English language arts
The Tunnel Planning Lower KS2
Planning for eight lessons on the Tunnel - exploring the characters, story maps, talk for writing, predictions and finally creating their own land at the end of the tunnel.
LKS2 Spelling Homework, Planning and Activities
For the whole of the Autumn term - up to Christmas,
Based on the Twinkl sheme but all altered (none of the same tasks or homeworks)
Each week there is:
Tasks to complete in school,
A spelling list to send home.
Miss CLT x
Handwriting Booklets for Every Letter Family - 8 Practice Tasks for home and school
I created these handwriting booklets for every letter family. There are eight booklets each with lines and guidance. You can use these as morning tasks, homework or part of interventions.
Handwriting Practice Sheets - All letter families
8 different booklets - each containing a letter family (some are split into two)
Each with lines and words to practice.
Can be used as homework or in class practice.